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TUMA Library intends to give better services to its users. We have three libraries, Main Library located opposite the University Chapel, MINI Library located in block  3 1st first floor and CAC Library located at CAC buildings. In order to provide an atmosphere for the conducive use of its services and facilities, the user is required to comply with the Library Rules and Regulations listed below. 

  • Drinking, eating, and smoking are not allowed in the Library.
  • No bags, (including may be brought into the Library)
  • All users are subject to declare all their possessions for inspection (including electronic devices).
  • SILENCE must be observed strictly in the Library. MOBILE PHONES pagers and watch alarms should be SWITCHED OFF before entering the Library.  Failure to comply will result in a penalty of Tshs 5,000 or dismissal from the Library and other disciplinary measures.
  • Library books and other materials are to be handled carefully.  Mutilation and damage of library materials by marking, tearing or staining will lead to the replacement of new material by the user.
  • Reservation of seats is not permitted.
  • Users should be decently dressed and conduct themselves in a proper manner when in the Library.
  • Library staff on duty have the right to request a user to leave the premise if found violating any of the library rules and regulations.
  • The library will not accept responsibility for loss or misplaced personal belongings.
  • Theft and damage of Library Materials is a Criminal Offence.  Anyone caught attempting to steal or to have stolen library materials will be reported to the relevant security and college disciplinary organs for further actions. It may include prosecution, barred from using the University Library and/or suspension for not exceeding one year
Monday-Friday  08:30am – 06:00pm  07:00pm – 10:00pm
 Saturday  10:00am – 05:00pm
During Holidays
Monday-Friday 08:30am -05:00pm

Sundays and Public Holidays –   Closed

To register with the Library, one is required to provide an IDENTITY CARD, including email address and phone number.

Library Users:

  • Registered TUMA students
  • TUMA University staff
  • Council Members
  • Alumni of TUMA

Library materials can be located or be accessed through the following ways:

  • Manual catalogue
  • Online Public Access Catalogue – OPAC

There is a new computerized Library catalogue that has been developed using Mandarin Oasis integrated software package. This software is user friendly. The Library has already entered 150,000 bibliographic records.  Besides varieties of e-resources, printed materials are available at TUMA Library. These recourses are available in the form of:

  • Abstracts.
  • Bibliographic databases,
  • Full-text online Journals and databases.

TUMA catalogue is arranged according to the English alphabetical dictionary word by word. Disregard articles (such as a, an, the) at the beginning when browsing the catalogue.

  • Borrowers are to produce an IDENTITY CARD when borrowing library materials
  • Library materials borrowed must be returned on or before the due date
  • No Library Material may be taken out of the library unless it has officially been issued to the user.
  • The number of items for normal loan at one time shall normally not exceed five depending on the numbers books available
  • Any student with overdue library materials or fine will not be able to borrow any other library material.
  • After completion of studies or termination of employment, there shall be a clearance of Library materials. In the case of finalist examination statement of results, transcripts and certificate will be withheld by the DVCAA Office until all unreturned library items/fines have been recovered
  • Periodicals, Reference materials and journals may not be borrowed. Library materials on restricted e.g. Archives may be borrowed only for the prescribed period.The Librarian reserves the right to recall any books before the date on which it is due.

The following fines and penalties shall be imposed on those who will go against rules and regulations.

  • Any user, including a member of the academic staff, who fails to return books from the general collection on the date due, shall be liable to a fine of 1000 shilling per book each day until the book has been returned.
  • The fine for overdue Special Reserve items, however, is 500 shilling per hour
  • Due materials will be considered as lost after one semester
  • Failure to pay the fine/materials will result in denial to use the library and any staff member who refuses to pay the fines or replacement cost of lost books will be liable to have these costs recovered from his salary through the Bursar’s Office.