Ms. Lorna Nsiana Shuma, Esq has been a fulltime member of the Faculty as an Assistant Lecturer since 2006. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from Tumaini University – Iringa University College (2005) and a Master’s Degree in Law in Constitution and Administrative Law from Mzumbe University (2011). Lorna is admitted at the Bar as an Advocate of the High Court and Subordinate Court, a Commissioner of Oaths and Notary Public since 2012 with the Roll Number 3034. Ms. Lorna is an Accredited Legal Counsel of The African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights.

Ms. Lorna is the Head of Constitutional, Administrative Law and Civil law Department, and manages the Faculty’s students SARIS inquiries. Ms. Lorna teaches Criminal Law, Constitution, and Legal systems for East Africa, Law of Tort, and Family Law. Ms. Lorna has authored research on “the Federal Principle in the constitution of Tanzania: A comparative analysis of the legislative competence of the Union Parliament and the Federal Congress of America”.